5 Ways to Start Fresh TODAY!

I am not a big believer in New Years resolutions. The definition of resolution is “a firm decision to do or not do something”. So many times we decide on a resolution and don’t stick with it for more than a few days. We also wait to start on these new resolutions until Jan 1. The reality is that we are still celebrating the new year on Jan 1 anyways, so let’s call it Jan 2.  I’m proposing that you stop procrastinating and make TODAY the big day to start fresh and begin feeling fabulous about yourself again.

Here are five things you can do to kick off your fresh start now, so that when we ring in 2015, you’ll be on your way to a happier, healthier you!

1. Force yourself to answer a few tough questions honestly: What is getting in the way of my happiness and goals? What am I going to do about it?

2. Prioritize your health. No one is going to take charge of your health but you, so it’s up to you to get it done. Make three things a consistent priority starting today; healthy eating, exercising for a minimum of 30 minutes 5+ days a week, and reducing refined sugars and processed foods.

3. Find a team or group to join. This summer I participated in a 36 hour running relay with a group of women from my town, most of whom I didn’t know well. I have never laughed so long or run so hard, and I’m now so happy to call these fab ladies friends.  Whether it’s a running group or a knitting club, finding the right “team” can lift you up and give you extra support when you need it.

4. Start doing something you love. What makes you smile? Is it a hobby like tennis? Spending time with friends? Hiking? Whatever it is, just do it, at least once a month. The more you do something you love, the happier you feel about yourself and around others.

5. Help someone in need. Doing good for others and your community is important and it makes you feel good. Find a person, a community effort or cause that aligns with your beliefs, dig in and help.

Cheers to a Happy, Refreshed 2015!

LifestyleCharlee Conway